The whole world is an active sphere of endless possibilities and outcomes, and to be lost in it is the greatest tragedy that can befall any living soul. The allure of its seeming boundless freedom is also the trap of its inevitable bondage.
Inherent in every created being is the instinct of self preservation and propagation derived from a sense of preeminent worthiness. Even if weaker than others in natural strength and ability, every rational being sees and prefers its kind above any other. But it takes an awareness of truth to understand that preference is not synonymous with better.
A reference is what gives meaning and stability to form, and a faulty reference how be it the strength of stability, will always produce a distorted form that fights the essence of all things; God. Hence the primacy of truth.
In meaning, truth is that which establishes all things, for without Him nothing was made that is, and it is only by Him that all things hold together. And in operation it reveals the character of all things; the degree of conformity to the will of God.
Truth does not preclude a lie, but it will always reveal it for what it is; something not true.
Truth is the absolute standard of all things.
In operation, the co existence of the truth, and a lie is based off God’s eternal wisdom of allowing free will as the integral core of the human ability to reason and choose.
Without free will, the value of appreciation cannot exist, neither can love. But God did not just give us the freedom to choose, He also gave us the ability to know and understand Him, because every other thing that exists in creation is outside of God, and man will constantly have to choose the object of his affection. Every action of Man is a reflection of affection.
Alignment with truth is thus the only anchor and compass that stirs the human soul towards the essence of its being.
The true knowledge of self, nature, and life can only be understood when based on the knowledge of God, He is truth.
Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me. - John 14:6 AMPC
The Way points to the truth, and the Truth ministers Life.